3 Prenatal Massage Benefits

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3 Prenatal Massage Benefits

3 Prenatal Massage Benefits

Prenatal massages are similar to other massage types because they relieve tense muscles and improve circulation. However, the difference is that prenatal massage specifically caters to the needs of pregnant women as their bodies undergo hormonal and physical changes. 

If you’re struggling with the aches and pains of pregnancy, a prenatal massage can ease tension throughout your mind and body. Before you book a massage, speak with your doctor or midwife and find a massage therapist with specialized knowledge in prenatal massage. 

Read on to learn more about the best prenatal massage benefits before giving it a try!

3 Benefits of a Prenatal Massage 

You can receive a prenatal massage in any trimester with the permission of a licensed healthcare professional. When considering a prenatal massage, it’s important to remember that it benefits more than just your body and mind. This popular massage type also lowers your risk of preterm birth and low birth weight.


1. Back Pain Relief


Many women experience pain in their lower back and sciatic nerve during pregnancy. Although you can feel this discomfort at any stage of pregnancy, most women develop sciatica during their third trimester because childbearing puts pressure on the joints. As a remedy, prenatal massage lessens the pain because it can stimulate blood flow and reduce tension in the body. 


2. Reduced Swelling


You’ll probably experience some swelling during pregnancy, particularly in your ankles, feet, legs, and fingers. Not only is swelling uncomfortable, but it can lead to the development of carpal tunnel syndrome; therefore, keeping swelling to a minimum is ideal. Although a healthy diet with reduced sodium intake can alleviate some inflammation, a prenatal massage can help keep swelling low.  

Since swelling during pregnancy is caused by increased pressure on the blood vessels and poor circulation, a prenatal massage can drain excess fluid while stimulating soft tissue release in the body.


3. Helps You Prepare for Labor and Birth


If you’re still preparing your birthing plan, consider adding prenatal massages to your regimen. One of the best prenatal massage benefits is natural, drug-free pain relief. Regular prenatal massages will lower your stress levels and ensure relaxation before you go into labor. 

In fact, studies show that women who received prenatal massages have shorter hospital stays and labor. If you’re interested in a healthy, holistic approach to pregnancy, discuss whether or not prenatal massages are suitable for you with your healthcare provider.

Support Your Holistic Pregnancy Journey with 2Me Healthcare

If you’re interested in working with a midwife that offers holistic pregnancy support, OB2Me is here to help. At OB2Me, we offer private in-home or in-office concierge midwifery care to support you with comfortable prenatal and postpartum care for you and your family. We are also available to help you throughout your labor and delivery at the hospital.

OB2Me provides multiple packages and services to fit your needs best and make your transition from pregnancy to motherhood as stress-free as possible. Contact our team today and see how working with a dedicated and passionate healthcare provider can make all the difference.

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