3 Things You Need to Know During World Breastfeeding Week 2023

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3 Things You Need to Know During World Breastfeeding Week 2023

3 Things You Need to Know During World Breastfeeding Week 2023

World Breastfeeding Week was first celebrated in 1992, and it’s been going strong ever since. Every week, from August 1st to 7th, over 120 countries celebrate World Breastfeeding Week in honor of the Innocenti Declaration signed in August 1990 to promote breastfeeding.

World Breastfeeding Week draws attention to the many benefits that breastfeeding offers to babies and women. Additionally, World Breastfeeding Week focuses on the importance of a nutritious diet, food security, and poverty reduction. The important week is all about protecting the right for women to breastfeed at any time or place.

3 Things You Need to Know About World Breastfeeding Week in 2023

Since it’s World Breastfeeding Week, we’re here to share the benefits of breastfeeding to help you make the best decisions for yourself and your baby. 

1. Breast milk meets the dietary needs of babies.

Although breastfeeding is entirely optional, most healthcare professionals recommend breastfeeding during the first six months of your baby’s life. However,  many women breastfeed until their child reaches two years of age. 

Immediately following birth, the breasts of the mother will produce a thick, yellow fluid called colostrum. This protein has a low amount of sugar but high levels of protein and other nutrients that can’t be replaced by formula. The only nutrient breast milk often lacks is vitamin D, so it’s recommended that you take supplements while you’re breastfeeding.

2. Breast milk contains vital antibodies.

It may be a surprise, but breast milk has many antibodies that help babies build immunity from viruses and infections. Colostrum is chock full of immunoglobulin A (IgA) and other antibodies. IgA is one of the most important antibodies because it helps prevent babies from developing illnesses by creating a protective layer around the throat, nose, and digestive system.

3. Breastfeeding benefits mothers as well.

Breastfeeding benefits new mothers in a myriad of ways. For instance, women that breastfeed their babies get a massive dose of oxytocin and other relaxing hormones, which makes it easier for them to sleep at night. If you choose to breastfeed your child, it can help you form a strong bond with your baby thanks to the surge of oxytocin and the associative principle of the hormone.

World Breastfeeding Week: What Is Breastfeeding Like in Real Life?

What better way to celebrate World Breastfeeding Week than with real-life experiences from women that have done it themselves? If you’re on the fence about breastfeeding, we’ll give you the inside scoop with midwife and mother Hannah from 2Me Healthcare! 

Breastfeeding in Real Life

“My first daughter was born prematurely via cesarean. I wanted so badly to be able to breastfeed and, admittedly, doubted myself. When she latched for the first time I was so overwhelmed with emotion. I still remember that moment so vividly!”

Father Giving His Daughter Milk With a Syringe

“My first daughter had reflux and lost significant weight in the first 2 weeks despite my adequate milk supply. We fed her every 2 hours around the clock and did triple feedings with my colostrum. Sleep was non-existent during that stage, but we made it out and I am so proud!”

Mother Breastfeeding Her Daughter

“I succeeded in breastfeeding because of my mama! The first 2 weeks I found to be the most difficult…I was in pain, frustrated, and exhausted, but she motivated me to persist and I am forever grateful.”

Mother and Two Daughters Smiling at the Camera

“My advice for moms who want to breastfeed: It. Takes. Support. It takes other mothers around you encouraging you, it takes a supportive partner, it takes a supportive family, community group, lactation consultant, supportive provider, hospital staff. In my opinion, nothing replaces having a readily accessible support system.”

If World Breastfeeding Week has sparked your interest in breastfeeding, you can get the support you need throughout the entire process at 2Me Healthcare.

Have a Healthy, Happy Pregnancy with 2Me Healthcare

Whether you’re planning to start a family or seeking support throughout your pregnancy, working with healthcare providers that listen to your concerns and create a birthing plan for your unique needs is essential. If you want to work with a midwife offering holistic pregnancy and fertility support, OB2me is here to help.

At OB2me, we offer private in-home or in-office concierge midwifery care to support you with comfortable prenatal and postpartum care for you and your family. We are also available to help you throughout your labor and delivery at the hospital.

OB2me provides multiple packages and services to best fit your needs and make your transition from pregnancy to motherhood as stress-free as possible. Just contact our team today and see how working with a dedicated and passionate healthcare provider can make all the difference.

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