A Better Way to OB-GYN Care is Here

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A Better Way to OB-GYN Care is Here

Woman thinking about her decision

Over the course of pregnancy, a woman will go to her healthcare provider at least 14 to 16 times and even more if she is at higher risk. This adds up to a lot of time away from work and added hours of childcare, baby sitters, and rearranging personal responsibilities. 

OB2me offers a better solution, and it’s one that’s changing the way women view healthcare during pregnancy. 

OB2me founder Carson Ragan, Certified Nurse Midwife (CNM), explains: “Over the years as a Certified Midwife, I watched women arrive at the doctor’s office only to be told that the wait time is over an hour. They were pregnant. Their lives were changing, and they were frustrated. So much depended on them being either at home or at work.”

“Usually, they would rush into the doctor’s office exhausted after sitting in Atlanta traffic for 30-minutes or longer,” says Carson. “Then after waiting over an hour in the waiting room, that mom-to-be would finally see her OB-GYN for only 10-15 minutes tops! That’s just not enough time.”  

Carson also noticed patients were scheduled back-to-back and sometimes double-booked! This meant not only longer wait times, but there was very little time for her to spend with each one assessing needs, educating, and bonding with the mom-to-be. 

“Patients would become frustrated with long waiting room times while struggling to balance work, family, and frequent doctor’s office visits during their pregnancy. Something had to give!”

After about six years as a CNM in a large OB-GYN practice, Carson realized there needed to be a change. She had five children of her own and wanted women to have the option of convenient care. This is how OB2me, a concierge pregnancy service, began. It grew out of a very real need to be much more than a touch-and-go healthcare provider. 

“We want our future moms to know we care, and we want to remember them for many years to come,” says Carson. “They are imprinted on our hearts and in our minds—all because we made an important shift in the way prenatal care is delivered.”

What we do—

A concierge pregnancy service provides expectant moms with a wealth of benefits and high-touch services that make their extraordinary nine-month journey a time of comfort and convenience. 

We listen to you as a mom-to-be and make sure we have time to personally go over your needs. We are committed to your complete cycle of health, even after your baby is born. And we schedule appointments at your convenience whether it’s in your office at work or in the privacy of your home. We also offer several levels of care to ensure you have an option that works best for you and your family. 

As our client, you will have direct 24/7 access to your certified nurse midwives and are assured that they will be present during your labor and delivery experience in the hospital ensuring that you and your baby have the best medical care available. That’s caring and that’s what we do at OB2me!

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