How to Prepare for Labor Throughout Your Pregnancy

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How to Prepare for Labor Throughout Your Pregnancy

Pregnant woman rubbing her belly

Giving birth is a magical experience. There’s so much to be excited about and plenty of things to prepare for. You can do countless things to try and ready yourself for labor and make it as fast, easy, and smooth of an experience as possible. However, don’t let being overwhelmed lead you to wait until the final weeks of your pregnancy to get prepared (they go by quicker than you’ll realize). We recommend starting as soon as you learn you’re expecting. Here are a few of our favorite ways to prepare for labor throughout your pregnancy.



Educate Yourself

There’s much to know and explore before your little one is born, so arming yourself with knowledge is a great way to prepare for labor. Take the time to learn your options and the warning signs for different complications that can occur during pregnancy and in the delivery room.  Just make sure to find a balance so that you don’t freak yourself out. Absorbing all you can play an integral part in the decisions you make about your pregnancy and childbirth.


In addition to reading online articles and maternity books, it’s also essential to attend childbirth classes lead by a registered nurse or a certified childbirth educator. There, you’ll learn the basics of the labor process, including the stages of labor and the difference between epidurals versus drug-free pain management.


Have a Flexible Birthing Plan

Having a birthing plan can bring you ease and help you feel more confident about going into labor. When it comes to the planning stage, the simpler your plan is the better. This creates fewer details to remember, which can be difficult to recall when labor pains strike. It’s also easier to adjust your plan to any changes that come throughout your pregnancy. And trust us, there will be plenty of variations. If you think of your plan as closer to a preference and not a strict itinerary, you’ll have a calmer experience.  A few things to consider in your plan include details like whether you want a natural birth if you’re going to breastfeed, or who’s going to cut the umbilical cord.


Move a Little Every Day

It’s common knowledge that exercise is beneficial when you’re pregnant, but did you know it can help you prepare for labor? According to experts, 30 minutes of daily exercise, including walking, jogging, and yoga, can improve the overall health of you and your baby. Some even believe that staying fit can lead to straighter-forward delivery and reduce total labor time. In addition to helping with labor, exercising has a whole host of ways you can benefit from it during pregnancy, including better sleep, less weight gain, reduced chances of developing gestational diabetes, and preeclampsia.


Prepare Your Body

The more at ease a person is, the better they can deal with labor and think clearly. Be sure to focus on yourself mentally, physically, and emotionally for childbirth. To achieve the best results, employ these into your daily routine as early into your pregnancy. Here are a few to get you started:


  • Pregnancy yoga: This form of yoga teaches positions to help through labor, breathing techniques, helps with relaxation, and gets the baby in a good position.


  • Exercises: Doing small exercises like squatting and Kegels increases your pelvic opening by up to 28 percent and strengthens the muscles that support your uterus, bluffer, and bowels.


  • Meditation: Meditation is a great way to steady your heartbeat, relax your mind, and release endorphins.


  • Massage: Massaging areas like the back, tailbone, and pelvis can help with pain and discomfort throughout pregnancy and while you’re in labor. And perineal massages help prevent tearing during childbirth.


Choose Your Birth Setting

Where you give birth is impactful to the success of delivery. In fact, it’s more important than how you give birth or your health condition (such as age or complications with your pregnancy). As you’re preparing for childbirth, take the time to plan out a setting that would bring you the most comfort, and create the best overall experience. Add little touches such as favorite pillows, soothing scents, pictures, and favorite sounds to fashion a space that’s all your own.


One way that pregnant people further the personalization of their delivery is by working with a midwife or a doula. Some people have both, as midwives have medical training and focus on the baby, whereas doulas concentrate on the mother’s needs. They both provide emotional and physical support in ways that some believe physician-led births don’t. Using a midwife or a doula increases your comfort levels, and offers an empowering experience, and has been said to reduce labor by an hour.


Build Your Support System

Every person needs a support system, and knowing who makes up your support system is vital to a successful birth. Think about this: which would give you more comfort? Being surrounded by your family and closest friends who are showering you with love and encouragement, or strangers doing the same? Those who have significant support throughout their pregnancy are can cope better during labor.


Building your support system goes hand-in-hand with choosing the setting for your birth, as both come together to ensure the most pleasant delivery.



Plan for the Day of and After

Many people get so engulfed in the excitement and nervousness of becoming parents that they completely underestimate the importance of mapping out a course of action for the day they go into labor. You don’t want to scramble for the keys or have to worry about what you’ll eat the first week you bring your bundle of joy home. To prepare, do things like meal prep enough food for a week, create an announcement contact list, and pack a bag for you, the baby, and your additional support (partner, family member, friend). These bags should include essentials like diapers, bibs, chargers, and a change of clothes.


Don’t Freak Out About What Other Mothers Did

Just like every person is different, so is every birth and every mother. It’s easy to compare your upcoming delivery to that of others but remember to stay true to yourself and enjoy the journey to meeting your baby. It’s ok to try out the suggestions those close to you give but be confident that you’re still doing pregnancy right if the recommendations aren’t successful or you decide to do your own thing. Explore what works for you. And if you’re unsure if the home remedy is safe, consult your midwife or physician.



OB2me: A Concierge Healthcare Service

Preparing for the birth of a child requires a lot of preparation and planning. At OB2me, we’re dedicated to helping you prepare by providing you with the optimum care in your home’s comfort. Schedule appointments at your convenience, whether in our office or from your home’s privacy.


To learn more about our services, or to schedule an appointment, contact our team today!

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