The Lee Family
“My experiences with Carson were beyond amazing. She was with me every step of the way throughout my first pregnancy. To say I was uneducated and a little scared would be spot on. Carson entered the room on each visit with such a smiling face and warming spirit. All of my 'dumb' questions were never looked at that way and she made me have a sense of peace throughout the whole thing. She helped me to be comfortable with my birthing plans and wishes. It was discussed at each visit and I really knew that she was on my team. She helped me get my mindset in the right place to be able to execute a fully natural labor. Scarily enough, my daughter came right after I hit 36 weeks but Carson was just as calm and made the whole 16 hours of labor at the hospital quite doable. Her demeanor made the difficulties seem minor, and I still have the picture of her holding my daughter Madilyn after she was born. It is a memory I will cherish forever!”
The Belmer Family
“ I met Carson for the first time when I was admitted to the hospital for my delivery. I was exhausted from being in labor for 24 hours and I had no idea whether or not I was dilated enough yet. Carson's first celebratory reaction towards my progress just made my day. My original OBGYN was supposed to deliver me but she couldn't make it. Regardless, I was so glad that Carson was the one who took care of me, my little angel, and my birth. She was simply positive and happy and honestly I had an amazing delivery! I don't think I will ever forget how she said when I was ready to push my baby out: "it's time to put the party clothes on." I will definitely be using Carson for my next baby! If you want a positive and happy person around you, then I highly recommend Carson!
The Lalla Family
“I met Carson for the first time working as a L&D nurse at a hospital in Atlanta. I was the nurse caring for one of her patients. This particular patient desired to have a natural un-medicated delivery. Carson was so patient and supportive of her choice I knew I wanted her to deliver my next baby whenever that may be. Fast forward about a year later and I was pregnant with my second baby. I really wanted to have an epidural free delivery. I was open to IV pain medication. My first baby I got to 9.5cm and then got the epidural and as a result I really wished I had stuck it out. I saw Carson many times throughout the pregnancy as well as other midwives in her office and I knew I wanted her to deliver my baby. I am a type1 diabetic and have been for 20 years so that does complicate things in that I knew I would be induced and there was the possibility of having bigger babies. My son was a mild shoulder dystocia and I was of course worried about that. So once I became term we looked at dates she was on and those that were closest to 39 weeks. I had regular ultrasounds and NSTs to monitor baby. A date was picked and of course Carson was on. I made it to the hospital around 9:30am. Pitocin was started around 11am, I was already 3cm so I was luckily not at square 1. Carson regularly checked on me throughout the day but I wasn't in true active labor yet. Around 5pm she broke my water and that’s when things got real. Carson never left my side unless she was needed to assess another patient (and as a nurse I understood that) she helped my husband Jake support my decision to go natural. Once again at 9 cm I said I wanted an epidural but both Carson and my nurse at the time knew this was my second baby and things move a lot faster than with the first. So they started preparing me for an epidural and according to my husband the nursing staff was moving so slow he knew an epidural was not going to happen and it didn't. Not long after claiming I wanted an epidural I was ready to push and in 2 pushes she was out. Afterwards, I was on such a high from the endorphins and pride in myself for doing this natural. I wouldn't have been able to do it if it weren't for Carson and all of her support. Madeline was born at 8:25pm. Carson came and saw me the next morning after her shift had ended and I appreciated that because I know she had been up all night. Overall it was the best labor and delivery I could have asked or hoped for!
The Pollett Family
“My name is Andrew and my wife Mary and I are proud parents of two healthy boys named Landon and Gray. Being parents of twins has brought about a great deal of responsibility with very trying times yet so rewarding. I'm going to tell you about a quick story about a very trying night which ended with such a great reward on our night with Carson and the birth of our baby boys.
As a male I must be honest I know nothing about what being a woman is like nor a woman's body. However, with our pregnancy I got to experience how tough a woman's body is and how dangerous childbirth can be under certain circumstances. My wife was diagnosed early on in her pregnancy with a condition known as Preeclampsia. I have never heard of this condition nor did I care to until this point. Luckily for me my wife is a nurse and she caught onto very quickly.
When we first found out that there were two little heartbeats we were referred to a specialist that had experience with twin births. As a nurse, it meant EVERYTHING for my wife to have a natural delivery. I assumed it was a long shot and wouldn't happen but I supported whatever decision she made. That's where we met Carson.
My wife battled her pregnancy like a champ for 34 weeks and 2 days. We did several 24-hour stints in the hospital because of her blood pressure being so high from the Preeclampsia. Then the day came.
In Hollywood movies all pregnancy/labor are the same. A water breaks and the mother to be starts sweating and is in agonizing pain and a nervous wreck father that has no clue what he's doing is freaking out driving 100 mph to get his wife to the hospital safely. That's not at all how ours went. Ours started out as a hot cup of coffee at 7:00 am in the morning when my wife suggested that something felt different that am. So we made a quick phone call to our OBGYN and went for a test and they revealed that today was the day. So we patiently drove nice and slowly (I was a zombie) to the Hospital got our room to begin the process and in comes Carson. My first impression of Carson was "so this is the lady that's gonna make it happen!" I was very happy with how calm she was but also how calm she made me feel. Mary informed her she wanted to try naturally with no Epidural and Carson ultimately said "I'm with you." I thought to myself no way this gonna happen but if she's on board with Mary to try then I'm ok. Carson told Mary that she would do everything she could to make that happen but if the time came that it was too much then don't be afraid to tell her it's too much. It was at that moment that I realized what really happens when a woman gives birth. To me and probably most men giving birth is just a baby being born, and it's a miracle, and we can take pictures, and parenting begins etc. That’s not what it is. I never once even thought about how not only is the greatest concern during this process the health of the babies, but just as equally is the health of the mother. They're all three different patients. That's what Carson's job was. To make sure Mary would be ok and the boys would be ok.
Well the day went on for several hours and unfortunately Mary's body wasn't having it. We waited and waited with Carson checking in on us hourly on what would happen. That evening the pain got the best of Mary and it was beginning to appear that this wasn't gonna work out how Mary wanted it to go. It was tough for her to swallow but relieved to have Carson tell her that it's not the end of the world and we would still keep trying. Well as the evening progressed so did Mary's deadly blood pressure. In fact, it got so bad that they had to "mag" her which basically ends all hope for a natural birth but saves the mother and children from the deadly blood pressure. It was at that moment the let down begin to set in. With each setback we experienced there was always a "it's ok, it's gonna be fine" from Carson. Those were always reassuring words.
At around 10:45 pm that evening on April 8, 2017, Mary's body had had enough and deadliness of Preeclampsia set in. Mary's blood pressure jumped so high and the boys’ heart rate dropped so low. It happened in less than a second. The door flew open and in came 10 people including Carson. Panic was an understatement. All kinds of chaos went on and the silence set in. I can still remember Carson standing there with the OB/GYN doctor (Dr. L) Through the silence of all 10 people in there I only heard Carson and Dr. L making commands on what we could do to get the heartbeats back up on the boys. A nurse with a heavy accent handed me some scrubs and a mask and told me to put them on. I knew that it was time.
They rolled Mary down the hallway and I followed like a robot with no brain. I had to wait in the hallway while they prepped Mary for surgery. I made sure to turn off my phone and electronics. The door opened and they waved me in. I walked into the OR and it was the craziest feeling I've ever had. Everyone was looking at me. The table was in the center of the room, one incubator with two nurses on the left, and another incubator with two nurses behind me, Dr.L on one side, Carson on the other, and me by Mary's head FREAKING OUT. I was asked by them are you ready to be a dad they said do you have your phone on? I replied "no" and this vibe and notion from everyone in there said "dude turn it on you're gonna have to take pics!!" 30 seconds later our lives changed forever. It was insane!! Baby A "Landon" came popping out ready for the world "although he didn't think so" and baby B "Grayson" was right behind him. They were both placed in each incubators where the process for them to be moved to the NICU to be cared for was underway. I went back and forth between them until a nurse stopped me and said: "dad you go over there to that one for a little bit then you can come over here to this one." The process flew by and out the boys went. I was asked if I wanted to go with the boys or stay with Mary. Sorry Mary! That's what made our experience with Carson so great. I was out of my mind, high on adrenaline and oblivious to what had happened but knew and trusted that Carson and Dr. L would take top- notch care for Mary.
It would be two days before Mary got to meet her boys and they were a long two days. She had to heal. It was hard because I wanted to keep showing her pictures but couldn't because I know it was killing her to not see them. It was tough because all of my family and her family already knew the boys before she did. That was another reason why having Carson care for us was so great. It was always an understanding of what Mary felt and a rest assuring that this was what was best for Mary and that everything was going to be all right.
We spent 18 days in the NICU. It was challenging yet a learning experience. The boys got onto a schedule, Mary learned to pump and breastfeed, Mary got to sit with the boys all day everyday, and I got to change my first diaper! Mary was only able to stay 5 days in the hospital which was tough leaving the boys there. We sat there everyday all day waiting on them to tell us they were ready to come home. One of those 18 days was the last time we saw our hero Carson. She had gone out of her way to come up to the NICU to meet the boys. To me I believe most people in the medical profession have to treat their patients as patients only and that's it. The fact that she came on her own, out of her way, and when she could find the time proved that she did really care and that we weren't just patients. We were new parents that had no clue what to do that had gone through a very scary storm with Carson holding our hands telling us everything is gonna be ok. And guess what? Everything was ok.”
The King Family
“Carson was my midwife during my third pregnancy. I actually switched practices mid-way through my pregnancy for various reasons, but a friend highly recommended Carson and her team at the time, and since I trust her judgment, that’s where I went! I am so glad I did. Carson was so warm and friendly, very welcoming, and non-judgmental about my birth wishes. When I arrived at the hospital in labor and found out Carson was the one on call and would be delivering my son, I was thrilled. Knowing she would be there put my mind at ease. I loved seeing her and felt like I bonded most with her in the office during prenatal visits. She was so supportive of my decision to have an IV- and medication-free delivery. Because I was un-medicated, I honestly can’t remember how much she was around during my labor, but I do remember her being there at one point when I asked for a progress check. My doula reminded me of my birth wishes, and Carson didn’t push me one direction or another. When I assured them I wanted an exam, Carson obliged. She remained very positive and encouraging. She was there when I was ready to push, and she allowed me to deliver in my position of choice. When anyone asks for a midwife recommendation, I always mention Carson and my beautiful delivery! For me, it was absolutely perfect, and Carson is one reason why!”
The Adam’s Family
The Susemihl Family
The Rain’s Family
The Gause Family
“My name is Shaun Gause and I met Carson back in 2013. I was pregnant with my first child and she was my midwife. We laughed and joked about everything throughout the pregnancy. She made me feel comfortable coming into the office even though I was feeling like a fat cow. Towards the end of my pregnancy, I made the decision to be delivered by a midwife because of all the time and attention I spent with Carson and the other midwives. On the morning of December 7th, 2013, I checked into the hospital and shortly after, I was greeted by Carson. At first, I was freaking out because I was not in “active labor.” But after she instructed me to walk him down along with stripping me, she looked at me and said, “We’re gonna have a baby today.” Carson was at my bedside the entire time. I remember thinking; oh hell… this is really happening… Tears began to roll down my cheeks and at that moment Carson knew that reality had hit me. Even still, she never left the room. Coaching me the entire time. I am thankful that I opted to have a midwife my first time around. It made a difference. Carson’s warm and bubbly personality is something that stuck with me and I’ll always be grateful for her because she helped me to deliver a healthy 6lb baby boy on the night of 12/7/13, 11:11pm. Thanks for everything Carson!!! xoxoxo Love, Shaun and Baby Landon Gause”