Should You Consider Delayed Cord Clamping?

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Should You Consider Delayed Cord Clamping?

Should You Consider Delayed Cord Clamping?

In the past, healthcare providers snipped the umbilical cord as soon as possible. However, delayed cord clamping has become a popular choice in recent years due to its perceived benefits. As an expectant mother, it’s important that you are informed about the various medical interventions involved in the birthing process. 

If you’re unfamiliar with delayed cord clamping, we’ll explain how it works and the many benefits it can offer your newborn so that you can make the best decision for your birthing plan.

What is Delayed Cord Clamping? 

Delayed cord clamping the umbilical cord occurs when your healthcare provider doesn’t cut the umbilical cord immediately, which increases blood flow to the baby. As the umbilical cord pulsates, billions of blood cells, stem cells, and essential nutrients transfer to your newborn.

There are a few different ways to perform this procedure. For instance, the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) says that healthcare providers should wait a minimum of 30 to 60 seconds before cutting the umbilical cord, while the World Health Organization (WHO) recommends waiting 1 minute or until the umbilical cord is finished pulsing.

After about 5 minutes or longer, the umbilical cord will stop pulsing and turn white, and your healthcare provider will cut the cord.

The Benefits of Delayed Cord Clamping

If you’re interested in incorporating delaying cord clamping into your birthing plan, discuss the risks and benefits with your healthcare provider to make an informed decision. While some risks are associated with delayed cord clamping, the benefits may outweigh the potential downsides. 

Let’s discuss a few of the benefits of delay cord clamping.


1. Reduced Anemia Rates


Iron is essential for brain development, but breast milk is quite low. This is because your body will use your iron reserves to repair your body after pregnancy, so there won’t be as much to give to the baby. However, delayed cord clamping allows babies to receive plenty of iron from the red blood cells as the umbilical cord pulsates.


2. Neurodevelopmental Benefits


Delayed cord clamping in just a few minutes can significantly impact your newborn’s overall health. Researchers found that delayed cord clamping can also aid neurodevelopment several years later. These studies found that children whose umbilical cords were cut after 3 minutes had better social and fine motor skills than those who didn’t.


3. Increased Stem Cell Levels


Another benefit of delayed cord clamping is the infusion of stem cells that newborns receive as the cord pulsates. These stem cells will help your newborn develop their immune, respiratory, cardiovascular, and central nervous systems. It may come as a surprise, but the concentration of stem cells in fetal blood is greater than it is at any other point in a human’s life. Delayed cord clamping ensures these stem cells flow to the newborn instead of staying in the placenta.

Create Your Holistic Birthing Plan 2Me Healthcare

Whether you’re planning to start a family or seeking support throughout your pregnancy, working with healthcare providers that listen to your concerns and create a birthing plan for your unique needs is essential. If you want to work with a midwife offering holistic pregnancy and fertility support, OB2me is here to help.

At OB2me, we offer private in-home or in-office concierge midwifery care to support you with comfortable prenatal and postpartum care for you and your family. We are also available to help you throughout your labor and delivery at the hospital.

OB2me provides multiple packages and services to fit your needs best and make your transition from pregnancy to motherhood as stress-free as possible. Just contact our team today and see how working with a dedicated and passionate healthcare provider can make all the difference!

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