Your Natural Birthing Plan: Is Water Birth Right for You?

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Your Natural Birthing Plan: Is Water Birth Right for You?

Your Natural Birthing Plan: Is Water Birth Right for You?

If you are going to be a mother soon, you’re probably facing a lot of important decisions. For instance, have you decided on a natural birthing plan? An alternative to hospital stays, there are many birthing options nowadays that can help you give birth as naturally as possible and connect with Mother Nature while you bring that precious new life into the world. One of these options is a water birth.

What Is Water Birth?

Water birth is a natural birthing plan that allows a pregnant person to deliver their baby in a tub of warm water, known as a “birthing pool,” which can be located wherever you’re most comfortable – whether that means at a birthing center or in the comfort of your own home. Some hospitals also facilitate water births.

If you choose to try a water birth, you can spend your entire labor and delivery process in the tub or only part of it. This depends on your goals and comfort levels, so speak to your birth team about which approach is best for you.

The Pros and Cons of Water Birth

Like all birthing procedures, water births have various benefits and drawbacks to consider as you decide the details of your natural birthing plan.

Potential Benefits of a Water Birth

  • Less Dependence on Pain Medication: The warm water in the birthing pool is great for relaxation, making water birth an appealing option to expectant mothers who want to avoid epidurals and other pain medications. The water can also trigger the release of endorphins, improving blood flow to the uterine muscles and helping decrease the impact of labor pains.
  • Easier Contractions: It’s suggested that women who go for water births have shorter labor as they can move freely, helping their contractions pass as smoothly and quickly as possible. 

Potential Drawbacks of a Water Birth 

  • Not Suitable for High-Risk Pregnancies: Water birth is not considered the best option for high-risk pregnancies. If there are any complications with the birth, it could be difficult to get the mother out of the tub and address them quickly.
  • Bacterial Contamination: If not handled in sterile conditions, the birthing tub water could become contaminated with bacteria. While unlikely in a professional medical center or birthing facility, it is possible that the baby could be exposed to such bacteria during a water birth.
  • Lack of Research: There is not much official, peer-reviewed research on whether water births are safe, leaving some doctors divided on this method.

Carissa’s Natural Birthing Plan: Hospital Water Birth in Real Life

If you’re on the fence about water birth, it may be beneficial to know that many women have had great experiences with a holistic, natural birthing plan. One of these women is Carissa, who sought the assistance of a midwife and doula from OB2Me to follow through with a hospital water birth. When Carissa began experiencing contractions, she headed to the hospital with her husband to finally bring her newborn into the world.

As Carissa prepared to give birth, the midwife, Carson, began filling the tub with warm water to ease the labor pains. Meanwhile, the doula, Julia arrange spiritual supplies and essential oils to provide emotional support throughout the birthing process.

Once Carissa’s water broke, Carson asked her to reposition herself to reduce contraction pain, while Jule helped Carissa control her breathing and stay calm. In just a few minutes Carissa gave birth to a healthy baby girl. And fortunately, there was no tearing, medical intervention, or stitches. Although water birthing isn’t for every expectant mother, it can offer great benefits if you’d prefer to give birth in a more natural, holistic way!

Create Your Natural Birthing Plan with OB2Me

Building a natural birthing plan can involve a lot of questions. But whether or not you decide a water birth is for you, there are many natural options to help you deliver your baby safely. And you don’t have to decide on your own — OB2Me is ready to help craft a natural birthing plan tailored to your needs. 

We offer private in-home or in-office concierge midwifery care to support you with comfortable prenatal and postpartum care for both you and your family. We are also available to you throughout your labor and delivery at the hospital.

Make your transition from pregnancy to motherhood as stress-free as possible. Just contact our team today to see how working with a dedicated and passionate healthcare provider can make all the difference!

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