10 Ways to Stay Active During Your Pregnancy

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photo of expectant mother staying active during pregnancy

Pregnancy is an extraordinary time in every woman’s life, but it can also be a time filled with many challenges. As women, our bodies change in many ways, and throughout those changes, we struggle to keep up with some of our previous habits while trying to prepare ourselves for a new way of life.

Staying healthy and active during your pregnancy is one of the most important things you can strive to achieve. After all, the health of the mother directly impacts the health and wellbeing of the baby. However, staying active when you are growing a human can be challenging and exhausting! The larger your belly gets and the more symptoms that crop up as you inch closer to your due date can leave you short on options to stay active.

Below, we offer a few tried-and-true ideas along with a few new ones to keep you moving through your final pregnant moments.



A Note Before You Exercise During Pregnancy

Exercise is not just allowed but encouraged during pregnancy however, you should always consult with your doctor to understand your limitations before adopting any type of exercise routine. The safety of mom and baby is essential, and there are some activities that women with specific conditions should abstain from. For example, high-impact exercises like gymnastics are never safe. Typically, the rule of thumb is that you can continue with the same level of activity you engaged in before pregnancy. Still, as a reasonable precaution, we highly recommend consulting your doctor first.


Why Should You Stay Active During Your Pregnancy

Pregnancy seems like the perfect time to sit back and put your feet up, but that isn’t necessarily true. Staying active during your pregnancy is vital for your health but also comes with excellent benefits. For example, constipation is a common complaint during pregnancy, especially in the third trimester, and it can make you incredibly uncomfortable. One of the best ways to deal with constipation is to exercise.

Physical movement gets your bowels moving and helps things, well, go. Other benefits include:


  • Helping you get restful sleep
  • Keeping off excessive weight gain
  • Increased energy, and a better overall mood
  • Lowers your risk of gestational diabetes
  • Lowers your risk of preeclampsia


Who doesn’t want that during pregnancy? Now, let’s look at some safe and effective ways for you to stay active during your pregnancy.


Take Your Pets for Some Exercise

If you have a furry friend living in your home, why not take them out for some exercise? Taking your dog out for a walk around the block is a great way to get some exercise while keeping your dog happy too. Have a cat? Take them out for a walk, too. We aren’t judging! If you need some motivation, create a playlist of your favorite songs that get you pumped. Who knows, you might be able to use the same playlist during your delivery to empower you.


Walk to the Store or Anywhere Else

Walking is a great way to stay active during your pregnancy and get plenty of exercise. It is the most recommended exercise out there. If you live close to the store or a juice or coffee shop, consider taking a midday walk to grab a nice cup of decaf or pick up a loaf of bread at the local market. If you already have children and their school is close, consider walking the kids to school each day.


Consider Prenatal Yoga

Prenatal yoga has grown in popularity within the last few years, with classes rising all over the country. Regular yoga is a great way to manage stress and stay active at the same time. Prenatal yoga combines those relaxation techniques with safe and comfortable exercises for pregnant women. It is an excellent outlet for stress management, staying active, and a great way to meet other expecting mothers. Want an additional reason to join in on prenatal yoga? It can help prepare you for labor with practiced focused breathing and the toning of abdominal muscles.


Go For a Swim

Assuming you’re pregnant during the summer, beat the heat and stay healthy by going for a swim in your pool or at a local pool in your community. Swimming, much like yoga, is a great way to combine exercise with relaxation. Don’t have a community pool? Try the local lake or a nearby beach. Water aerobics is an ideal activity for expecting mothers because it relieves some of the discomfort you feel from the extra weight. Meaning you’ll feel lighter because water helps displace your weight.


Get Jiggy with the Housework

Nobody likes doing housework, but it is a simple way to stay active during your pregnancy. Want to spice up your boring housework and get a little more active? Turn on some of your favorite music or discover a new playlist and dance your heart out. As you move to the rhythm of vacuuming, sweeping the floor, or whatever needs to be cleaned, you’ll start to wonder why you haven’t been doing this all along.


Try Zumba

You might be concerned or embarrassed about going to a group Zumba class, and that’s okay! Thankfully there are lots of Zumba classes online and even DVDs you can purchase and play at home so you can do a dance with a bit of privacy. Dance cardio is an excellent form of low-impact cardio that’s not just healthy, but satisfying.


Try a Stationary Bike

Riding a regular bike during pregnancy may seem like fun, but it can be a little dangerous. If you were to fall, it might cause harm to you or your baby. But if you enjoy bike riding, a stationary bike is a safe alternative. You can get a little workout and maybe even watch your favorite TV show while you’re doing it!


Strength Training

This may seem counterintuitive because strength training sounds dangerous, but it is an excellent way to maintain activity during all three trimesters. Try low weights or options like resistance bands to keep the strength training light and comfortable, so you don’t over-stretch your muscles.



2Me Healthcare

At 2Me Healthcare, we believe the journey of pregnancy between mother and baby is a journey that should be treasured and cherished. That’s why we offer a wealth of prenatal services designed to cater to each expecting mother’s journey.

Whether you want a hospital or in-home birth or are looking for private concierge services, 2Me Healthcare is here for you. If you would like an honest and open relationship with a dedicated, passionate, and attentive hospital-based provider, please contact us at 2MeHealthcare.com or (833) 692-6342.



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